The groundbreaking ceremony of structure of ” bioizmir ” project carried through with coorperation of our stakeholder, DEPARK.
“Bioizmir” project was introduced as a “health technology accelerator” service with the partnership of DEPARK, iBG-izmir’s stakeholder , in 2015 and henceforth will be continuing its activities in a 5000 square meter size building which will be constructed after the groundbreaking ceremony on Monday April 11th at 14:30 in Dokuz Eylul University Health Campus.
The Constractive and Accelerator Izmir Health Technologies (Bioizmir) project will gather up the essential elements in the chain known as “ bench to bedside” and implement one stop source in İzmir, furthermore it aims to influence industrialists as well as academics on each steps from the idea to product and market by giving “facilitative”, ” accelerating”, ” improving”, ” co- adaptive” and ” unifying” impact.