Thank You
Turkey’s first and only international biomedical and genome center “iBG-izmir” opened its doors with a series of scientific events themed “Life Sciences for Life”.
We are grateful, first of all to our Science, Industry and Technology Minister, Mr. Fikri Işık and Nobel laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Sir Tim Hunt. We are also indebted to all scientists, representatives of the biotechnology industry, academics, students and all our guests who contributed to or participated in the scientific activities and shared our enthusiasm during the inauguration.
Our special thanks to:
International Scientific Opening Session
Fikri Işık (Minister of Science, Industry and Technology), Prof. Dr. Mehmet Füzün (President of Dokuz Eylül University), Prof. Dr. Murat Özgören (Dokuz Eylül University DEPARK Director), Dr. Sırrı Aydoğan (Deputy Mayor of Metropolitan Izmir), Mustafa Toprak (Governor of Izmir), Dr. Octavi Quintana Trias (EU European Research Area), Dr. Gerlind Wallon (EMBO European Molecular Biology Organization), Prof. Dr. Pascal Pineau (Pasteur Institute), Prof. Dr. Ahmet Nuri Yurdusev (TUBA Turkish Academy of Sciences), Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Keleştimur (Turkish Health Institutes) and Prof. Dr. Özkan Ünal (Turkish Drug & Medical Device Institution)
Nobel Session
Sir Tim Hunt and Ahmet Üzümcü
Scientific Advisory Board
Hermann Bujard (University of Heidelberg), Turgay Dalkara (Hacettepe University), Stefan Dimitrov (CRI INSERM), Cem Elbi (Bayer Healthcare), Eithan Galun (Goldyne Savad Institute for Gene Therapy), Gökhan Hotamışlıgil (Harvard University), Saadi Kochbin (CRI INSERM), Fahri Saatçioğlu (University of Oslo), Aziz Sancar (University of North Carolina), Rüşdü Saracoğlu (Economist), Austin Smith (Cambridge Stem Cell Institute) and Kürşad Türkşen (University of Ottawa )
Local Advisory Board
Faruk Güler (ESBAŞ)
Innovations in Biotechnology Session
Sucheta Bhatt (Illumina), Simon A. Boa (Merck Biodevelopment), Stefan Schlack (Sartorius-Stedim) and Nigel Darby (GE Life Sciences)
Forum “Innovating for Life”
Güven Sak (TEPAV), Gökhan Hotamışlıgil (Harvard University), Pascal Pineau (Pasteur Institute), Octavi Quintana Trias (EU ERA) ve Cengiz Ultav (TTGV)
Technology Session
Kadir Gürbüz (Ericsson Turkey) ve Adnan Pekdemir (Ericsson Turkey)
Life Sciences Festival –”Science for All” Speakers
Nesrin Özören (Boğaziçi University), Şefik Alkan (Alba Therapeutics), Hakan Abacıoğlu (Dokuz Eylül University), Arzu Çelik (Boğaziçi University), Aziz Sancar (University of North Carolina), Turgay Dalkara (Hacettepe University)