Donation to Science at iBG-izmir

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 11-04-2016

Nevvar Salih İşgören Vakfı'ndan iBG-izmir'e 2.5 milyon TL bağış

A bright future is waiting IBG-İzmir that opened its doors in September 9 2016 with Nevvar Salih Işgören Foundation’s donation of 2.5 million liras to the institution. The donation agreement was signed on March 8 2016 with the presence of Governor of İzmir Mustafa Toprak and Dokuz Eylül University Rektor Prof. Dr. Mustafa Füzun. A plate was delivered to Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ökmen, the president of the Foundation’s Management Board.  Nevvar Salih İşgören’s name was given to the Cell Stem Treatment Center at IBG-İzmir, first donation leaves were hung on the donation tree by Governor Mustafa Toprak and İşgören Foundation’s Management. Ibg-İzmir will continue its journey to be the leading science center in Turkey with your support.

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